
Ausstellung Judith Drews & Sebastian Fäth am 08. März um 20.00 Uhr Berlin

Judith Drews
Sebastian Fäth

. Judith zeigt dieses Mal einige ihrer großen, bunten Kinderzimmerbilder
und 100 ihrer kleine Lieblingsstücke.

. Sebastian Fäth zeigt kleinformatige Arbeiten auf Papier, sowie
einige Großformate auf Leinwand.

Es gibt exklusiv am Eröffnungsabend die Möglichkeiten wunderbare
kleine und größere Kostbarkeiten von Sebastian und Judith im ZMF zu erwerben!


Eröffnung am 08. März um 20.00 Uhr

Brunnenstraße 10, 2. HH, 10119 Berlin, U8 Rosenthaler Platz
Geöffnet Di.-Do. ab 18 Uhr, Fr. und Sa. ab 22 Uhr

#6 Judith Drews auf postcART.net

Basic Illustration

Artist such as Paul Frank (USA), Annie Pootoogook (Canada), Jayesh (Canada), Judith Drews (Germany), Airside (UK), Marcus Oakley (UK), Kate Sutton (UK), Judith Zaugg (Switzerland), Andrew Rae (UK), and Hajarta Smarta (Sweden) create some of the most thought provoking examples of the basic illustration technique.

A contemporary style of art that started to make popularity in the beginning of the new millennium. An apparently impulsive and simplifying pictorial approach. Basic illustrations appear naive, modest, reduced to essentials- often astoundingly relaxed. Their Ultimate aim is to become a complex and detailed representation, so they do not make a formal appearance at first, preferring to remain at the preliminary draft or sketch stage. Basic Illustrations do not set out to represent the world exactly, nor to become an artificial formal language. Instead they remain simple, sometimes incomplete statements. And yet these simple drawings reveal a great truth. Despite (because of) their simplicity, these scribbles and naive drawings are intelligent, revealing and amazingly succinct. The principal aim is not to record the essence and soul of these things in a few simple lines, but to sense their presence. All in all, these illustrations are permanent attempts and exciting essays in keeping close to the trail of the act of drawing reality. Basic Illustrations, can be found in galleries, on products, in newspapers, and in advertisements.


#6 Judith Drews auf postcART.net